Monday 10 April 2017

Evaluate the role of the digital technology in the production, marketing and consumption of products.

Evaluate the role of the digital technology in the production, marketing and consumption of products.

Digital technology is vital in the production, marketing and consumption of film. In this essay I will be discussing the role of digital technology in and evaluating its use.
Digital technology is used in many aspects of the production of film- camera, sound, editing software and lighting. Up-to-date technology is very important for making the most effective and visually appealing films. Different cameras are used to get different effects. In The Hobbit, Red One cameras were used and they had 48 frames per minute which created a much more seamless picture and took away the motion blur when the camera moves that is usually seen in cameras that film with 24 frames per second. 3D cameras must also be used for any films that are planned on being released in the cinema in 3D. It is most common for digital cameras to be used in filming. An independent film from 2015, Tangerine, filmed the entire film on an iPhone and edited the film on a cheap app on the iPhone as well. This shows that digital technology for production does not have to be expensive but more expensive cameras will create much better cinematography.
Many films use the software Adobe Premiere Pro, for example Deadpool and Gone Girl. This can be used to edit different shots together and use effects such as expansion of time and visual effects. It can also be used to edit sound and add foley. Another commonly used software is CGI. This is used to add visual effects to films, for example Jurassic World used CGI for the dinosaurs. They added affects to humans to make them look like dinosaurs and used CGI to make objects look like jungle scenery.

Digital technology is also crucial for the distribution and marketing of films. A major way of marketing films in recent years is through the internet and viral campaigns. Social Media platforms allow people to share videos and opinions about film. This is below-the-belt as little-to-no money is put into it; this is just regular people promoting the film online. An example of a viral internet campaign is the prank in the coffee shop which was used to promote the film Carrie. However, some mainstream films will have larger marketing campaigns which will include billboards and television advertising, for example Disney's Maleficent. Sometimes, even more elaborate means are used. For example, Star Wars: A New Hope promoted their film by projecting videos onto the Great Wall of China and they also had Stormtroopers marching and many merchandise available.

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